Charlie’s Convoy

In June 2018 our son Charlie Robinson was diagnosed with a brain tumour, as you can imagine this is the worst possible news any parent can receive. Shortly after we began fundraising to get Charlie specialist treatment, we were told he would not be eligible to have on the NHS. Fundraising efforts from communities near and far were astonishing. One of those people was a local businessman Pete Marquis (who we did not personally know at this time), he arranged a fundraising event and raised a considerable amount which was then donated to our #thumbsupforcharlie appeal.

In 2020 covid struck, this was an especially difficult time. Having 3 boys aged 2, 4 and 6 years, home schooling, home working and managing the complexities of a child with a brain injury following numerous invasive and extensive treatments and surgeries. Pete Marquis and Brian Eccleston amongst others took it upon themselves to coordinate a tractor run through our local villages to raise money for the local NHS, this brought a much-needed lift to us. Our 3 boys sat and watched the tractor run with so much excitement and joy. A total of £4,520 was raised and given to Royal Preston and Chorley Hospitals.

In March 2021 we received the devastating news that Charlie had relapsed again with multiple tumours and that nothing more could be done. Charlie was offered palliative care from Alder Hey and Derian House Hospice. Once again Pete Marquis reached out to our family to offer his support, he asked if there was anything he could do to bring a smile to Charlie. We told him how much Charlie and his brothers had loved the tractor convoy. Pete said he would like to arrange another convoy dedicated to Charlie; this was named “Charlies Convoy”. Sadly, Charlie died on 7th April 2021 and never got to see the convoy, but we agreed we wanted it to go ahead in Charlie’s memory.

There was over 300 tractors and trucks adorned with blue hearts, thumbs up, blue bunting, balloons all in Charlie’s memory. Pete also had one of his trucks specially painted for the convoy which was Toy Story themed and named “Charlie’s pride”. Hundreds of people lined the roads, we were completely humbled by the show of support once again towards Charlie and our family. In addition, they set a target to raise £10,000 to be split between 2 charities close to our hearts: NHS and The Brain Tumour Charity. The sum raised was a staggering £26,356 to The Brain Tumour Charity and £6,900 for Lancashire Children’s Teaching Hospital.